In today’s “Global Village” society, high-speed internet connections make communication and knowledge quickly accessible everywhere.

This convenience of communication through electronic devices and highly addictive social networks creates the illusion of connection, alienates individuals from the true social web and deprives them of informal forms of learning where various actors in society act as models and training vehicles.

The saying goes that “it takes a whole village to educate a child”. For this community education of the individual to happen, it is necessary to reconnect the child to the village, to all the human, cultural and natural heritage and to values framed with interdependence, common good and service. To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to promote guided discovery of people, institutions and historical and natural heritage.

“SEA SCHOOL” is a pedagogical and recreational project that takes advantage of the natural and cultural heritage of Cascais, Sintra and Lisbon to carry out outdoor activities in an urban and natural context.

This animation project aims to fill gaps in the schooling of children and young people, specifically gaps in aquatic and maritime literacy that may be associated with an increased risk of drowning and accidents due to a poor assessment of involvement and individual abilities in interacting with the environment. aquatic and seafront.

Plato said “an educated citizen is one who can read and swim.” The organized workshops always have an educational premise whose objective is to promote the increase of aquatic literacy by optimizing the physical and psychological capacities necessary for the formation of a person adapted to the aquatic and coastal environment. In the long term, the aim is to transmit values and tools helpfull for the prevention of drowning and accidents, as well as the adoption of the practice of physical activity and aquatic sports throughout life. Learning is integrated and recorded step by step from workshop to workshop in the Via Aqua “Logbook”.

The”Sea School” curriculum is adjusted for three age groups: children from 6 to 11, young people from 11 to 16 years old and adults.

The events take place all year round in blocks of 5 hours, each block containing:

  • An exercise module for physical capacities and aquatic and terrestrial motor skills
  • A water and ocean literacy module
  • An arts and crafts module
  • A module for exploring the urban or natural environment.

The events take place on weekends from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and 2:30 pm to 7:30 pm on dates to be published monthly on the website and social networks or on customized dates.

Activities take place mainly in Marechal Carmona and Palmela Park, Cascais Marina, Museum of the Sea, Duquesa and Conceição beach, swimming pools and gyms in Cascais bay area.

Other events will be held at Quinta do Pisão, Pedra Amarela Base Camp, Duna da Cresmina, Praia do Guincho and other places of interest.